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- Testimonials from recent YNU graduates
Testimonials from recent YNU graduates
“My three years in the IPhD program in economics at YNU was a milestone in my teaching and research career. YNU offered me important fundamental knowledge and skills in my area of expertise through the various courses. My research topics were realized step-by-step and concretely through stimulating discussions in weekly seminar meetings with my supervisor as well as other laboratory members. In addition, the university created a very supportive environment for international students to enhance cultural exchange and broaden their research networks. Those experiences definitely made my time at YNU unforgettable and invaluable.”
Dang Thi Thanh Binh, Ph.D. (2023, International Ph.D. program in Economics)
Senior lecturer
Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Thuongmai University, Hanoi, Vietnam
“Attending YNU to pursue my master’s and doctoral degrees is undoubtedly one of the best decisions I have ever made. The international MA and PhD programs at YNU were perfect matches for me and allowed me to hone my quantitative skills in econometrics and data analysis skills that support my current career as a data analyst. All the coursework was designed in a way that built a solid foundation with both theoretical and practical knowledge. Another great aspect of the program was the weekly seminars where PhD students can present their research progress in a very supportive atmosphere and hear about current research from local and visiting scholars. In addition, I was fortunate to interact with supportive faculty and staff and learn from brilliant and inspiring professors who made my journey at YNU a life-changing experience.”
Luu Hai Dang, Ph.D. (2021, International Ph.D. program in Economics)
Data Analyst
Entry Ticket Management Department, Nissan Motor Corporation, Japan.
“My three year experience at YNU (October 2016 to September 2019) was certainly the best experience I could hope for in a Ph.D. experience. Not only was the coursework rich with both theoretical and applied knowledge, but the support system of the university staff and faculty also enabled an excellent learning environment. The seminars developed our research presentation and skills and also developed our skills as future reviewers, providing peer-to-peer comments. I achieved more than my doctorate at YNU, because I also leant how to continuously sharpen my research and analytical skills constantly beyond the expertise acquired. I am certainly a much better economist and person for it.”
Angella Faith Lapukeni Montfaucon, Ph.D. (2019, International Ph.D. program in Economics)
Economist (2019 Young Professionals Program)
Macroeconomics, Trade and Investment East Asia and the Pacific Region, World Bank
“YNU was undoubtedly the best place for me to achieve a Ph.D. qualification that certifies my aptitude as a practitioner in my own field of expertise. I learned a lot during my three years of study. The coursework provided strengthened my theoretical knowledge, and the seminar that encompassed considerable research discussion with colleagues and professors expanded my research view. In addition, the good relationship with colleagues and professors made me a better person. All these are the most valuable assets that I gained from YNU while achieving my doctorate.”
Ong Sheue Li, Ph.D. (2016, International Ph.D. program in Economics)
Senior lecturer
Department of Economics, Faculty of Business and Economics, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia