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Faculty Members

This is the list of faculty members for the October 2022 admission cohort and previous cohorts.

See here for Faculty Members for the October 2023 admission cohort.

Faculty in Ph.D. Program

International Economics

FUJIO, Minako

Degree: Ph.D. in Economics, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Fields: Macroeconomics


List of Publications (5 major works selected)

  1. “The miniature two-sector model of optimal growth: The neglected case of a capital-intensive investment-good sector,” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 186, pp.662-671, 2021 (coauthored with Yan Lei, Liuchun Deng and M. Ali Khan).
  2. “Optimal Growth in the Two-Sector RSL Model with Capital-Intensive Consumption Goods: A Dynamic Programming Approach,” Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, 2020 (coauthored with Liuchun Deng).
  3. “Eventual periodicity in the two-sector RSL model: equilibrium vis-à-vis optimum growth,” Economic Theory, 2020 (coauthored with Liuchun Deng and M. Ali Khan).
  4. “Optimal growth in the Robinson-Shinkai-Leontief model: the case of capital-intensive consumption goods,” Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 23, 4, 2019 (coauthored with Liuchun Deng and M. Ali Khan).
  5. “Optimal Transition Dynamics in the Leontief Two-Sector Growth Model with Durable Capital: The Case of Capital Intensive Consumption Goods,” Japanese Economic Review, Vol. 60, pp.490-511,2009.

NAGAI, Keiji

Degree: Ph.D. in Statistics, Rutgers University, USA
Fields: Mathematical Statistics


List of Publications (5 major works selected)

  1. “Nonparametric Methods of Estimating Integrated Multivariate Volatilities,” (with T. Hoshikawa, T. Kanatani and Y. Nishiyama), Econometric Review, 27:1, pp112-138, 2008.
  2. “A Sequential Unit Root Test,” (with Y. Nishiyama and K. Hitomi), Proceedings of MODSIM07, p.3031-3036.
  3. “Nonlinear renewal theorems for random walks with perturbations of intermediate order,” (with Cun-Hui Zhang), Recent Developments in Nonparametric Inference and Probability, IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series Vol. 50, pp164-175, 2006.
  4. “Asymptotic Lower Bounds for the Average Detection Delay of Change-point Detection Rules,” Discussion Paper Series, The Center for International Trade Studies, Faculty of Economics, Yokohama National University, 03-F-5, June, 2003.
  5. “Nonparametric Change-point Detection for Two populations,” Sequential Analysis 17, No.3-4, pp279-296, 1998.


Degree: Ph.D. in Economics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Fields: International Trade


List of Publications (5 major works selected)

  1. “Measuring Mongolia’s Gains from Trade and Increased Integration in the World Economy,” Global Economic Journal, 19 (4) 1-23, 2019 (coauthored with Enkhmaa Battogtvor).
  2. “New Evidence of Market Competition in the Japanese Tire Industry using Market Share Analysis,” Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, 20(3) 235-256, 2019 (coauthored with Nguyen, Xuan Dong and Xavier de Vanssay).
  3. “Japan’s trade agreements aren’t ‘window dressing’ after all,” The International Trade Journal, 33(2) 176-196, 2018 (coauthored with Mutsuvangwa, Simba and Nagendra Shrestha).
  4. “New Estimates of Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Japanese Exports,” International Journal of Finance and Economics, 13(2), pp. 174-183, 2008 (coauthored with Kiyotaka Sato).
  5. “Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Currency Invoicing: Implications for Monetary Integration in East Asia” The World Economy, 29(12), pp.1759-1788, 2006 (coauthored with Kiyotaka Sato).

SANO, Ryuji

Associate Professor
Degree: Ph.D. in Economics, University of Tokyo, Japan
Fields: Game Theory, Microeconomics


List of Publications (4 works)

  1. “Sequential Auctions of Heterogeneous Objects,” Economics Letters, Vol. 149, pp. 49-51, 2016 (coauthored with Akitoshi Muramoto).
  2. “Vickrey-Reserve Auctions and an Equilibrium Equivalence,” Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol. 65, pp. 112-117, 2013.
  3. “Non-bidding Equilibrium in an Ascending Core-Selecting Auction,” Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 74, pp. 637-650, 2012.
  4. “Incentives in Core-Selecting Auctions with Single-Minded Bidders,” Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 72, pp. 602-606, 2011.

SATO, Kiyotaka

Degree: Ph.D. in Economics, University of Tokyo, Japan
Fields: International Finance


List of Publications (5 major works selected)

  1. “New Empirical Assessment of Export Price Competitiveness: Industry-specific Real Effective Exchange Rates in Asia,”North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 54, 2020, 101262 (with Junko Shimizu, Nagendra Shrestha, Shajuan Zhang).
  2. “Invoice Currency Choice, Nonlinearities and Exchange Rate Pass-Through,” Applied Economics, 52(10), 2020, pp.1048–1069 (with Thi-Ngoc Anh Nguyen).
  3. “Exchange Rate Exposure and Risk Management: The Case of Japanese Exporting Firms,” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 41, 2016, pp.17–29 (with Takatoshi Ito, Satoshi Koibuchi, Junko Shimizu).
  4. “Should Chinese Renminbi Be Cursed for Its Trade Surplus? A Structural VAR Approach,” The World Economy, 35(5), 2012, pp.632–650 (with Zhaoyong Zhang).
  5. “Exchange Rate Changes and Inflation in Post-Crisis Asian Economies: Vector Autoregression Analysis of the Exchange Rate Pass-Through,” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 40(7), 2008, pp.1407-1438 (with Takatoshi Ito).

SHRESTHA, Nagendra

Degree: Ph.D. in Economics, Yokohama National University, Japan
Fields: Economic Integration, Input-Output Analysis


List of Publications (5 major works selected)

  1. “Global and Regional Shock Transmission: An Asian Perspective,” Journal of Economic Structures, (2021)10:27, 2021 (coauthored with Kiyotaka Sato).
  2. “New Empirical Assessment of Export Price Competitiveness: Industry-specific Real Effective Exchange Rates in Asia,” North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 54, 2020, 101262 (with Kiyotaka Sato, Junko Shimizu, Shajuan Zhang).
  3. “Industry-specific Exchange Rate Volatility and Intermediate Goods Trade in Asia,” Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 63(1), pp.89-109, 2016 (coauthored with Kiyotaka Sato, Junko Shimizu and Shajuan Zhang).
  4. “Industry-specific Real Effective Exchange Rates and Export Price Competitiveness: The Cases of Japan, China and Korea,”Asian Economic Policy Review, 8(2), pp.298-321, 2013 (coauthored with Sato, Kiyotaka, Junko Shimizu and Shajuan Zhang).
  5. “Economic Integration in East Asia: An International Input-Output Analysis,” The World Economy, 29(12), pp. 1709-35, 2006 (coauthored with Yuichi Hasebe).

SOMA, Naoto

Associate Professor
Degree: Ph.D. in arts and science, University of Tokyo, Japan
Fields: Macroeconomics, Monetary and Fiscal policy


List of Publications (1 major work selected)

  1. “Inflation target and anchor of inflation forecasts in Japan,” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol. 52, pp.154-170,2019.

Comparative Economics


Degree: Ph.D. in Economics, Yokohama National University, Japan
Fields: Regional Economics, Input-output analysis


List of Publications (5 major works selected)

  1. “Transnational Interregional Input-Output Analysis between Japan, China and South Korea-By compilation of 2000 Transnational Interregional Input-Output Analysis between Japan, China and South Korea,” The Journal of Ryūtsū Keizai University, vol.47 (4), pp.85-104, 2013/04.
  2. “Water Footprint Analysis in Kanto Watershed in Japan: by compiling Kanto interregional input output table and the sectoral water usage data,” Input-Output Analysis innovation & I-O Technique, vol.19, pp.56-66, 2011/06.
  3. “Analysis of the Impact of Japan-China Regional Economy by Separating Reginal Japanese Enterprises: The Compilation and Application of Japan-China Transnational Inter-Regional Input-Output Table Separating Japanese Enterprises in Beijing City,” Yokohama Journal of Social Sciences, vol.22 (1 & 2), pp.1-20, 2017/08 (coauthored with Cheng Feng).
  4. “The Linkage Effect of Multi-Regional Input-Output Table in Jiangsu Province 2007,” Yokohama Journal of Social Sciences, vol.21 (3), pp.171-192, 2016/09 (coauthored with Chenqiu Feng).
  5. “Transnational Interregional Water Footprint Analysis in China and South Korea and Japan,” 24th International Input-Output Conference & 6th Edition of the International School of I-O Analysis, 2016/07.

KIZAKI, Midori

Degree: Bachelor of Sociology, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
Fields: Modern Chinese Economy


List of Publications (5 major works selected)

  1. “Income Security Policy for Urban Employees in China,” (in Japanese) Journal of Social Science, Vol. 63, pp11-34, 2012.
  2. “Transition Policy on Employment and Labor in China”, (in Japanese) Katsuji Nakagane ed. Transition of Chinese Economic System and Policy after the ‘Reform and opening-up’ Era, pp161-178, 2011.
  3. “Role of Chinese Economic Policy in its Transition Process”, (in Japanese) Modern Economic Policy 4th edition, Tashiro, Hagiwara, and Kanazawa eds. pp. 332-351, 2011.
  4. “Enterprise Welfare and Corporate Behavior in the Transitional Era in China,” (in Japanese) Akira Suehiro ed., Perspective on the welfare system in East Asian countries, pp. 88-121, 2010.
  5. “Ownership and Management Right in Chinese Enterprises,” (in Chinese) Wu Jiajun and Li Haijian eds., Industrial Development and Reform of Enterprise System in China, pp. 92-112, 2002.

MOZUMI, Seiichiro

Associate Professor
Degree: Ph.D. in Economics, Keio University
Fields: Public Finance, Sociology of Public Finance, US Fiscal History


List of Publications (5 major works selected)

  1. “Tax Expenditures and the Tax Reform Act of 1969 in the United States,” Social Science History, 46(2), 2022.
  2. “Tax Expenditures and the Mistrusted American Fiscal State: Two Tax Reforms in the Clinton Presidency and Middle Class, 1993-1997,” Public Finance and Public Policy, 41(2), 2019, pp. 41–57 (in Japanese).
  3. “Tax Reformers’ Ideas, the Expenditure–Taxation Nexus, and Comprehensive Tax Reform in the United States, 1961-1986,” in ed. Gisela Huerlimann, W. Elliot Brownlee, and Eisaku Ide, Worlds of Taxation: The Political Economy of Taxing, Spending, and Redistribution since 1945, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 187–216.
  4. “The Kennedy–Johnson Tax Cut of 1964, the Defeat of Keynes, and Comprehensive Tax Reform in the United States,” Journal of Policy History, 30(1), 2018, pp. 25–61.
  5. “A Prelude to the Flood of Red Ink: From a Study of Comprehensive Tax Reform in the 1950s to Federal Tax Reform 1962 in the United States,” Keio Economic Studies, No.52, 2016, pp.1–25.


Associate Professor
Degree: Ph.D. in Economics, University of Tokyo, Japan
Fields: International Financial History


List of Publications (5 major works selected)

  1. “Shaping the Fund’s Policy for Exchange Liberalization,” in K. Yago et al. (eds). History of the IMF: Organization, Policy, and Market, Springer, 2015.
  2. Creation and Evolution of the IMF Economic Policy in the Bretton Woods Era (in Japanese), The University of Nagoya Press, 2014.
  3. “IMF Policy on the Convertible Currency System: Toward Sterling Convertibility,” in M. Itoh and Y. Asai (eds). IMF History: Foundation and Evolution (in Japanese), The University of Nagoya Press, pp.90-113, 2014.
  4. “Macroeconomic Policy Coordination about the UK’s Move to IMF Article 8 Status 1952-1961: Through Analysis of IMF Article 14 Consultation,” (in Japanese) The Journal of Political Economy and Economic History, vol.53(4), pp.32-48, 2011.
  5. “Sterling Cnvertibility and the Development of the IMF Financial Support Policies in the 1950s,” The Journal of Economic Studies (University of Tokyo), vol.53, pp.15-25, 2011.

International Political Economy


Degree: Master of Commerce, Osaka City University, Japan
Fields: Developing Economies, Brazilian Economy, Local Government Studies


List of Publications (5 major works selected)

  1. “Brazilian Workers in Japan and Public Policies for Promoting their Social Integration with a Focus on Basic Education to for Children,” in Hamaguchi, Nobuaki and Danielly Ramos (eds.) Brazil-Japan Cooperation: From Complementarity to Shared Value, Springer, forthcoming in 2022 (coauthored with Mauricio Bugarin)
  2. “Creating Institutional Advantage: Local Government Co-production with Community Groups,” Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, 42(3), pp.170-187, 2020 (coauthored with Yukio Kinoshita and Brian Dollery)
  3. “Humanitarian co-production in local government: the case of natural disaster volunteering in Japan,” Local Government Studies, pp.959-978, 2019 (coauthored with Brian Dollery and Yukio Kinoshita).
  4. “(Chapter 10) Hattentojokokuno Keizaito Shakai (Economy and Society of Developing Countries),” in Textbook Project Team, Department of Economics of Yokohama National University (ed.) Zerokara Hajimeru Keizai Nyumon, (An Introductory Textbook on Political Economy), Yuhikaku, 2019 (in Japanese).
  5. “Is Bigger Really Better? A Comparative Analysis of Municipal Mergers in Australian and Japanese Local Government,” International Journal of Public Administration, 41(9), pp.725-734, 2017 (coauthored with Brian Dollery).

Faculty in M.A. Program

Fujio, Ishiro, Nagai, Nisikawa, Parsons, Sano, Sato, Shrestha (same as in Ph.D. Program above)

IJU, Morinao

Degree: Master of Economics, University of Tokyo, Japan
Fields: Public Finance


List of Publications (5 major works selected)

  1. “Public Accounting and Budget System of Swedish Local Governments and Governmentally-owned Enterprises,” (coauthored with Sekiguchi, S.) in Sekiguchi, S. ed., International Comparison of Local Government Finance and Public Accounting System, Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha, 2016. (in Japanese)
  2. “Fiscal Performance in Sweden,” (coauthored with Jonas Edlund), in Ide, E. & Park, G. eds., Deficits and Debt in Industrialized Democracies, Routledge, 2015.
  3. “Fiscal Consolidation and Budget System Reform in Sweden,” (coauthored with Furuichi, M.) in Ide, E. ed., Comparative Histories of Fiscal Crisis and Consolidation, Minerva Shobo, 2013. (in Japanese)
  4.  “Accounting System and Performance Indicators of German Local Public Enterprises,” Koei Kigyo, Vol. 43, pp. 72-112, 2012. (in Japanese)
  5. “Budget and Settlement in the Local Governmental Accounting System: Comparative Study between the U.S. and Sweden,” Rikkyo Keizai Kenkyu, Vol. 64, pp.73-108, 2010. (in Japanese)

INO, Akio

Assistant Professor
Degree: Ph.D in Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Fields: Macroeconomics, Corporate Finance, Public Finance, Banking


List of Publications (4 major works selected)

  1. “Optimal government debt under the economy with incomplete market and overlapping generations,” (in Japanese) Financial Review, Vol. 146, pp. 5-15, 2021.
  2. “The Timing of Government Debt Reductions in the Presence of Inequality,” TKFD Working Paper Series, No 20-01, 2020.
  3. “Welfare Analysis of Bank Mergers Under Financial Fragility,” TCER Working Paper Series, E-149, 2020.
  4. “Essays on Macroeconomics with Imperfect Competition in the Banking Sector,” Ph.D Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018.


Degree: Ph.D. in Economics, Tohoku University, Japan
Fields: Environmental Economics, SNA / I-O


List of Publications (5 major works selected)

  1. “Estimation of Input-Output table from U and V table using General Inverse Matrix,” (in Japanese) Statistics, no.119, pp.33-39, Japan Society of Economic Statistics, 2020.
  2. “An introduction to the economy starting from scratch,” (in Japanese, editor), Yuuhikaku, 2019.
  3. “SEEA as the basis for SDGs and integrated policy initiative,” (in Japanese, in collaboration with Sabry M. Ashraf), Review of environmental economics and policy studies, vol.11 no.2, pp. 87-91, The Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 2018.
  4. “The Sustainable Development Goals and SNA/SEEA as the basis for integrated statistical systems,” Proceedings of the 18th Science Council of Asia Conference, 6th December, Science Council of Japan, 2018.
  5. “New developments on System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting,” (in Japanese), Seizansha, 2014.

ZHANG, Xinyuan

Associate Professor
Degree: Ph.D. in Economics, University of Tokyo, Japan
Fields: World Economy, Rural Development


List of Publications (5 major works selected)

  1. “The Role of Middlemen in China's Corn Market: A Case Study of Jilin Province,” Asian Studies, Vol. 56(4), pp.18-34, 2010 (in Japanese).
  2. The Development of China's Corn Industry, Keiso Shobo, Tokyo, 2014 (in Japanese).
  3. “China's Exports of Dry Beans: The Reverse Side of the Domestic Grain Market,” Journal of Social Science (University of Tokyo), Vol.66 (1), pp.107-127, 2014.
  4. Adzuki and East Asia, Ochanomizu Shobo, Tokyo, 2016 (coedited with T. Tajma and H. Li, in Japanese).
  5. China Grain Data Assembly, ISS Contemporary Chinese Studies No. 16, University of Tokyo, 2016.

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